Forbes, of Savannah, Georgia is a founding partner of Forbes & Bowman, now Forbes, Foster & Pool, LLC, a firm specializing in civil litigation. He is national product liability counsel for a major food manufacturing company and serves as one of its 3 regional counsel for all other types of litigation.
Foster has practiced civil litigation in Savannah, Georgia since 1988. Johnny has served on the Georgia Defense Lawyers Association Board of Directors since 1998 and served as that organization’s president in 2005 and 2006. He has overseen its Substantive Law Committee program, which was re-established during his presidency.
Pool has been a practicing attorney with Forbes & Bowman, now Forbes, Foster & Pool, LLC, since 1996. Within the firm, he handles cases in all areas of its practice, including employment law, school law, and workers’ compensation defense. Since its inception, the firm’s focus has been insurance defense.